Welcome to the Freedom PT Training Newsletter. As well as bringing you news of any new and upcoming courses that we are running, we will also include useful training tips and other relevant information.
Course Update 2012/13
NEW: Part-Time Diploma in Personal Training – Starts January:
A flexible learning option delivered over 9 weekends (roughly every other weekend). This is perfect if you need to fit training for your fitness qualifications around ongoing work or family commitments.
Coming Soon: Kettlebell Instructor – an ideal way to familiarise yourself with the safe instruction of this increasingly popular training tool.
Coming Soon: Studio Cycle Instructor – qualify to be able to instruct this ever popular form of group exercise.
Our 10% Student and School Leaver Discount is here to stay: we are pleased to be able to offer a discount to all 16-19 year olds, or anybody with a valid Student Card, on our Diploma courses or individual modules.
The Kettlebell can give you a range of fitness benefits including improved flexibility, strength, cardiovascular fitness and even fat loss.
Olympic Update
As the training base for Athletics Australia during this Summer’s Olympic Games, our Tonbridge School Centre venue has benefitted from a refit of the free-weight area in the gym.
Training Tip
This time a focus on Nutrition……..
Here is a simple yet effective tip, often overlooked with our increasingly frantic lifestyles:
Establish a routine for your meals
By having more structure around timings for breakfast, lunch and your evening meal you will benefit from:
– sustained energy levels throughout the day
– being less likely to snack and make ‘poor’ food choices
– being less likely to overeat
Clearly content is important too, however far too many people skip meals and have no routine which can lead to ‘panic eating’.