Welcome to the Freedom PT Training Newsletter. As well as bringing you news of any new and upcoming courses that we are running, we will also include useful training tips and other relevant information.

Course Update 2013


We now include Emergency First Aid at Work as part of our Diploma and Certificate in Personal Training. This HSE approved course delivered through EFA Training will ensure that by the end of your course you have everything you need to get started in your new career.

We will also be running one day stand alone courses to enable you to keep your First-Aid qualifications current.

Kettlebell Instructor and Studio Cycle Instructor –

We have now added these courses to our list of available qualifications so please check our website www.freedompt.co.uk for further details and new dates.

Don’t become a statistic!

Did you know that there is around a 50% drop-off rate 6 months after starting exercise?

Keep your clients motivated by adding new challenges and changing your programmes on a regular basis.

Training Tip

Perfect your squat……..

There is little doubt that there are few exercises as beneficial or ‘functional’ as the squat. Unfortunately, be it with a barbell across the back of the shoulders or with dumbbells held by the sides, people commonly struggle to get this exercise right, often placing undue stress on their lower back.

One simple way to address this is to use the Front Squat, either placing the bar across the front of the shoulders or holding a dumbbell close to your chest, which is often referred to as a goblet squat


As you can see, with either technique, a much more upright posture can be maintained.

As with any exercise, use thorough client screening to assess suitability and constantly monitor technique.